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 The International Murdoch Media Smearing Of Ron Paul Begins

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The International Murdoch Media Smearing Of Ron Paul Begins Empty
PostSubject: The International Murdoch Media Smearing Of Ron Paul Begins   The International Murdoch Media Smearing Of Ron Paul Begins Icon_minipostedSat Oct 13, 2007 2:03 am

Quote :
YOUR NEW REALITY | October 12, 2007
by Darryl Mason

The Rupert Murdoch media in the United States mostly pretends Ron Paul doesn't exist, or simply doesn't matter. As hard a myth that is to maintain, Murdoch is clearly backing Giuliani and Billary and no-one else for the White House in 2008. Like most American elites, Murdoch doesn't care if it's Billary or Giuliani, just as long as it isn't Ron Paul in the White House come 2008.

In Australia, now that Ron Paul's infamy is spreading fast, and his reputation as one of the more credible and interesting Republican candidates is taking root, the Murdoch media has decided to kill off the story of a real presidential underdog before it excites too many journalists down under.

The first shot from Murdoch's Australian media claims that Ron Paul's impressive dominance of internet campaigning is merely the result of a "fake online campaign."

Wait. Here's the full headlines from news.com.au :

Republican Ron Paul In Possible 'Fake Online Campaign'

In the story , journalist Mark Schliebs makes a fistful of accusations of online fraud, based on little more than his own opinion and the strategic use of words like 'possible' and 'may'. If the headline wasn't bad enough, check out the opening paragraph :

A candidate for the US presidency is being buoyed by a massive online campaign that may be a fake grassroots movement organised by party staff.

It gets worse, and far more dubious :

Like it says, it gets worse! Take this article and let's smear it all across the internet! This is the 4th forum I've posted it tonight!! Let's show these snakes we refuse to be controlled by them!

And don't forget to VOTE in the poll! Take that, Murdoch!!! CREEP!
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