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 TXDOT says road runding to drop from $10 B to $3 billion

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TXDOT says road runding to drop from $10 B to $3 billion Empty
PostSubject: TXDOT says road runding to drop from $10 B to $3 billion   TXDOT says road runding to drop from $10 B to $3 billion Icon_minipostedWed Oct 03, 2007 8:57 am

Toll Road News is an NAU supporter and mouthpiece for the TTC.

TXDOT says road funding to drop from $10 billion to $3 billion

Quote :
Before the politicians known collectively as "the ledgie" (spelt Lege for legislature) assembled this year in Austin, Texas DOT's forward projections were that total road funds would be in the range $10b to $11b/year over the next few years, about $4b/year of that being state and federal tax based money and $6b to $7b/year would be from toll concessions based on longterm leases, known locally as CDAs. As the flow of private capital attracted by concessions was ramping up the state was getting on with early projects by borrowing - for the so-called mobility fund. That can't last! It wasn't planned to. Toll concession money was expected to replace it from 2010 onward.


A protest movement against the program goes back three or four years. It remained noisy but seemingly without political power until early this year when it gained some key supporters among Republicans in the Lege. Then amid an emotional wave of righteous nativist populism the whole legislature flipped, embracing the principle of a two-year moratorium on toll concessions, while working to carve out exemptions for pet projects in SB792.

Interesting, those who want to kick a million Texans out of their homes and eminent domain 600,000 acres to give to foreign toll road operators have the audacity to call the opposition "righteous nativist populism".
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TXDOT says road runding to drop from $10 B to $3 billion
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