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 Lawsuit Filed to Stop TXDOT's Illegal Lobbying

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Lawsuit Filed to Stop TXDOT's Illegal Lobbying Empty
PostSubject: Lawsuit Filed to Stop TXDOT's Illegal Lobbying   Lawsuit Filed to Stop TXDOT's Illegal Lobbying Icon_minipostedThu Sep 20, 2007 10:04 am

Lawsuit Filed to Stop TXDOT's Illegal Lobbying

Quote :
TxDOT has violated § 556.004 of the Texas Government Code by directing the expenditure of public funds for political advocacy in support of toll roads and the Trans Texas Corridor, and have openly indicated TxDOT’s intention to directly lobby the United States Congress in favor of additional toll road programs.

On August 22, 2007, TURF filed a formal complaint with Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle to investigate TxDOT’s illegal lobbying and asked him to prosecute TxDOT for criminal wrongdoing.


“Between TxDOT’s PR campaign, report to Congress asking that all limitations on tolling be lifted including buying back existing interstates, and Chairman Ric Williamson's recent trip to D.C. lobbying for the same, it's clear they've not only crossed the line into illegal lobbying, but they leaped over it,” says Hall.
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Lawsuit Filed to Stop TXDOT's Illegal Lobbying
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