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 "We the People" Connecting the Dots.....

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Join date : 2007-09-18

"We the People" Connecting the Dots..... Empty
PostSubject: "We the People" Connecting the Dots.....   "We the People" Connecting the Dots..... Icon_minipostedWed Sep 19, 2007 1:40 am

One of the great things about our political system is that grassroots activism is definitely alive and kicking. We are obviously engaged in some battle for some purpose. This forum strives to help folks "Connect the dots...." on a myriad of issues that threaten our Constitutional liberty and economic well being. Therefore, by providing a forum where grassroots activists can share their knowledge and experience, we will have the ability to grow grassroots activism and, of course, the goal is too expose the horrors of out of control, bloated, power hungry government. The public sector has been operating without accountability for far too long. This must be changed with a "We the People Connecting the Dots" campaign to take back our governance from the corrupt, power mad legislators at the federal and state level.
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"We the People" Connecting the Dots.....
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