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 Hsu Thrived in "Bundling" System

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Join date : 2007-09-18

Hsu Thrived in "Bundling" System Empty
PostSubject: Hsu Thrived in "Bundling" System   Hsu Thrived in "Bundling" System Icon_minipostedWed Sep 19, 2007 5:46 pm

Hsu Thrived in "Bundling" System

Quote :
Hsu is what is known in political parlance as a "bundler," a specialized and increasingly important kind of fundraiser for today's campaign finance managers.

Federal law limits the amount any one individual can contribute to a candidate or party. But there is no limit on how much an individual can round up in smaller contributions from friends and associates, and then deliver to a favored politician or party as a "bundle."

Following the money in elections isn't easy because of a lack of accountability. The practice of bundling allows vast sums to pour into political campaigns without any disclosure.
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