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 Congressional Control of Health Care is Dangerous for Childr

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Congressional Control of Health Care is Dangerous for Childr Empty
PostSubject: Congressional Control of Health Care is Dangerous for Childr   Congressional Control of Health Care is Dangerous for Childr Icon_minipostedWed Oct 03, 2007 3:55 pm

Congressional Control of Health Care is Dangerous for Children

Quote :
Despite political rhetoric about a War on Drugs, federally-funded programs result in far more teenage drug use than the most successful pill pusher on the playground. These pills are given out as a result of dubious universal mental health screening programs for school children, supposedly directed toward finding mental disorders or suicidal tendencies. The use of antipsychotic medication in children has increased fivefold between 1995 and 2002. More than 2.5 million children are now taking these medications, and many children are taking multiple drugs at one time.

With universal mental health screening being implemented in schools, pharmaceutical companies stand to increase their customer base even more, and many parents are rightfully concerned. Opponents of one such program called TeenScreen, claim it wrongly diagnoses children as much as 84% of the time, often incorrectly labeling them, resulting in the assigning of medications that can be very damaging. While we are still awaiting evidence that there are benefits to mental health screening programs, evidence that these drugs actually cause violent psychotic episodes is mounting.

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