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 Walter Cronkite Promotes Law of the Sea Treaty

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Walter Cronkite Promotes Law of the Sea Treaty Empty
PostSubject: Walter Cronkite Promotes Law of the Sea Treaty   Walter Cronkite Promotes Law of the Sea Treaty Icon_minipostedSat Sep 29, 2007 8:05 pm

Walter Cronkite Promotes Law of the Sea Treaty

Quote :
Dan Rather is making headlines suing his former employer, but Rather’s predecessor, Walter Cronkite, is busy promoting world government. Cronkite has just surfaced as one of the 101 “prominent leaders” signing a letter urging Senate passage of the Law of the Sea Treaty. His CBS affiliation is listed on the letter, making it seem as though the media giant is taking sides in the debate over the pact. This would not be surprising; media coverage has been overwhelmingly pro-treaty.
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Walter Cronkite Promotes Law of the Sea Treaty
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