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 Thompson is Clearly in Over His Head

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Join date : 2007-09-18

Thompson is Clearly in Over His Head Empty
PostSubject: Thompson is Clearly in Over His Head   Thompson is Clearly in Over His Head Icon_minipostedWed Sep 19, 2007 1:20 pm

Thompson is Clearly in Over His Head

Quote :
Consider the news his candidacy has generated:

•He refuses to take a pledge not to raise taxes;

•He lobbied for an abortion advocacy group before becoming a U.S. senator;

•He employed his son in a no-show job for $170,000 for four years at his political action committee after leaving office;

•As a lobbyist, he helped the attorney representing the Libyan terrorists who blew up Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie,
Scotland, to fight requests to extradite them to the U.K. to stand trial;

•His other lobbying clients included Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the leftist Haitian dictator who, but for a lack of oil, would have been the Hugo Chavez of the last generation;

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