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 Corsi: Bush Could Elect Hillary

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Corsi:  Bush Could Elect Hillary Empty
PostSubject: Corsi: Bush Could Elect Hillary   Corsi:  Bush Could Elect Hillary Icon_minipostedSun Sep 23, 2007 9:57 am

Corsi: Bush Could Elect Hillary

Quote :
Speaking yesterday in St. Louis at Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Council meeting, WND staff reporter Jerome Corsi predicted the Republican Party risks losing the 2008 presidential election and two-thirds of the House and the Senate if President Bush continues to ridicule questions about a possible North American Union as "conspiracy theories" while continuing to press an active integration with Mexico and Canada in the remaining months of his second term.


Corsi asserted in 2006 "grassroots Americans voted against open borders and illegal immigration, whether Karl Rove or the Republican National Party want to admit it, or not."

"Every time President Bush pushes to have Mexican trucks cross our borders, the American grassroots feel betrayed," Corsi told the group.

"George Bush can put Hillary Clinton in the White House," Corsi said, "and all he has to do is keep ridiculing the idea of a North American Union or NAFTA superhighways, instead of answering the question directly."

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