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 The West Pursues Saudi Policies

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The West Pursues Saudi Policies Empty
PostSubject: The West Pursues Saudi Policies   The West Pursues Saudi Policies Icon_minipostedWed Sep 19, 2007 11:09 pm

The West Pursues Saudi Policies

Quote :
In 2002, Muslim World Council (aka Rabita), a proselytizing tool of the Saudi state that has a ponderous influence in the Organization of Islamic Conference, has officially designated Jews and Serbs as enemies of Islam.


On Serbs:

“The communiqué urged OIC member states to exert efforts to help the Muslims in Kosovo to gain their right for self-determination and establish their independent state, and to seek to put pressure on the Serbs to recognize that demand and provide all assistance to the Kosovan Muslims.”

In fact, just yesterday, [the] Muslim “president” in Kosovo went public telling Serbs to give up on Kosovo. “It is important for Belgrade to understand that it is surely easier for them to give up their claim, once and for all,” said Muslim Sejdiu.

The Islamiane Amanpour is then just another in a long procession of useful media idiots that perpetuate a myth that a way for America to get along with the Muslim world is to inflict tangible pain on Jews and Serbs.

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