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 Failing our Students, Failing America

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Join date : 2007-09-18

Failing our Students, Failing America Empty
PostSubject: Failing our Students, Failing America   Failing our Students, Failing America Icon_minipostedWed Sep 19, 2007 6:28 pm

Failing our Students, Failing America]

Quote :

Students were asked 60 multiple-choice questions to measure their knowledge in four subject areas: America’s history, government, international relations, and market economy. The disappointing results were published by ISI in fall 2006 in The Coming Crisis in Citizenship: Higher Education’s Failure to Teach America’s History and Institutions. Seniors, on average, failed all four subjects, and their overall average score was 53.2%.

College seniors whose families engaged in frequent conversations about current events and history, whose parents were married and living together, and who came from homes where English was the primary language all tended to learn more than students who lacked these advantages.

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