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 The Rules

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Posts : 75
Join date : 2007-09-18

The Rules Empty
PostSubject: The Rules   The Rules Icon_minipostedWed Sep 19, 2007 1:25 am

The Rules are based on respect for others and their opinions. There are no first amendment rights here and those who are offensive, vulgar, profane and who attack others will be ejected from the forum. Civility in discourse and debate is absolutely essential for the exchange of ideas and opinions. This forum is dedicated to understanding and debating issues as they relate to our freedom, prosperity, civil liberties and the preservation of our Constitution. Those who are not interested in these ideas should find another forum.

1. The Swat the Rascals forum can only be used for legal activities such as expressing you own opinion, the opinion of others under copy write laws explained below, and without using language that is offensive, slanderous, abusive, threatening, profane or vulgar or obscene, or lewd, lascivious, indecent, or otherwise objectionable especially regarding race, religion, gender, and political party. Disagreeing with another person’s opinion can be done respectfully.

The use of usernames with vulgar, obscene or profane words will also be prohibited and the Forum Administrator reserves to the right to remove any username the Adminstrator deems offensive to other users of the forum.

Religious reference to support an opinion on an issue like abortion, marriage, etc. is allowed as long as it's expressed in a matter that doesn’t attempt to threaten another person with a different view and/or that they will be subject to “God’s wrath.” We are here to learn what all religions have as a view on issues, not to change their view through a religious battle as to which religion is “true to God.” People tend view their own religion as good or they wouldn’t support it.

2. Conduct which rises to civil liability will result in the removal of the offending comment and the author of that comment from future posting should the Administrator find a 2nd violation after being warned. The Swat the Rascals forum reserves the right to also remove without warning or notice offenders deemed as committing serious offenses. While all political parties are welcome, repeated attacks on issues without a supporting opinion and reason for said opposition, or on a person, will be grounds for removal. Any comments suggesting criminal activity will also be grounds for removal and this forum reserves the right to report to authorities any said suggestion that could be construed as criminal in nature, intent, or call to action.

3. All rules that apply to the comments on view in this forum also apply to personal or private messages either through the forum’s Personal Messaging or other email systems.

All people applying to become members of this forum are required to submit accurate information and are limited to one User Name. This is a family forum that is open to people of all ages, races, religions and gender. Members are expected and required to honor the fact that children may view these comments and thus, the need to comply with all forum rules.

4. This forum is not obligated, but does have the right to monitor all comments and the Administrator and Moderators have the right to remove any and all material, including the forum itself, with or without notice to either maintain the site, or to keep it conforming to forum rules. The is applies even though the members making the comments and using the forum are responsible for their comments and actions on the forum. The forum, Administrators, and Moderators are not liable for actions by members using the forum in violation of any U.S. laws or the Forum rules. We reserve the right to remove any material submitted to or posted on the Forum deemed not in keeping with the spirit of civil discussion.

5. This forum honors and upholds U.S. copyright laws. When posting an article written by someone else, use only about 150 words ( a couple of short paragraphs) and give the Author credit with the title, Authors name, the publication it was found in, and a link to the web site you copied it from. You can then let the reader go to the link, read the entire article and then comment on it back in the forum. The copy write law also applies to most photos. You may put a link to a photo of your own creation or full right to and have stored on the web as long as it is not obscene, offensive, or otherwise inflammatory. Use the exact tile of the article as it appears. This also includes the posts on other forums which are copy write protected by that site. Get permission to copy and paste other peoples comments.

Don’t post emails or other personal messages because they may have copy write protection. Also, don’t refer readers of your comments to other people through their email address as this can lead to those people receiving emails they don’t wish to receive.

6. Post an article only once in the most appropriate category. Don't double post.

7. While the forum will attempt notify its members of changes, it is the responsibility of the members to adhere to the rules of this forum and stay up to date on those rules. The forum and Moderators can and will, without notification, make changes if deemed necessary even if there is no time to notify the members.

8. The site is not to be used for "adverisements" however, a comment about an item or site that is an advertisement is permitted provided a link is also provided that can be used to read the actual advertisement. The purpose of this forum is not to "advertise" products.

9. Derogatory comments about members or other persons and other political parties, organizations, websites, blogs, or forums, are discouraged. While there will be times when opinion needs to be made as to why a particular person, political party, organization, site, blog or forum is not liked or needs to be discussed, keep the comment limited to non-slanderous terms and limit the comments to how you personally feel about the site rather than make a "judgement" that implies all people feel that way about the person, political parties, organizations site, blog or forum. Civil and legal discourse is the theme of this forum at all times.

Enjoy the journey. Exercise your mind. Educate yourself. Arm yourself with truth. Our goal is to be rewarded with sane governance and the restoration of Constitutional liberty.
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